Science fiction has led us to believe that magical powers are a matter of fantasy. However, *millennial cultures and today’s recent advances in science have shown that humans possess latent psychic faculties and mental potential beyond what we might suspect*.
As follows :
⚜️ *Telekinesis*
It’s the power of affecting matter with the mind. That is, *objects could be moved at a distance without the action of force of something physical*, but only *energetic*.
⚜️ *Telepathy*
It is the supernatural ability to communicate through thought. Those who own it, say that *they just think about a person and start talking to them as if they were present*; then that individual will hear in their mind the voice that is talking to them from a distance, no matter how far away.
⚜️ *Intuition*
It is the power that allows you to *know everything, without the need to think or reason*. You just know something in your heart, like everything a book contains, what will happen in the near or distant future, *what really happens in a particular situation*, the path to be chosen, the right response, the right decision at the moment on all levels, etc.
⚜️*Magic Ear*
It’s the power bestowed by *listening to the other dimensions, here and now*. For example, hearing the voices of the dead, angels, beings from other worlds, Spirit, etc. Similarly, is the ability to listen at any distance, no matter what. Someone with this skill activated, from New York could hear a conversation in Peru, in real time, just concentrating.
It’s the psychic ability to *see at the same time, multiple scenarios of the globe*. Something like multiple cameras dispatched and a large number of monitors assigned to each one. It’s one of the *powers that only the most advanced mediums possess, according to esoterism*. its like clairvoyance, only multiple.
⚜️ *Clarity*
In the East, they call it the *”Third Eye”*. It’s a spiritual eye that according to the spirits, we all have between the eyebrows, but disabled. Those who can wake him up, all hidden science experts agree, *he can see the afterlife whenever he wants, being present in the flesh*. Besides seeing the colour of a person’s aura, seeing any scene from a distance, reading minds, predicting the future, seeing the past, etc.
⚜️ *Astral Projection*
It’s one of the most latent faculties on human beings, according to occultist doctor Arnold Krum Heller. Every time we fall asleep, *the soul leaves the physical body and enters a higher dimension of nature, without many realising*, for according to Krum Heller, almost all of us have a dormant Consciousness and therefore we do not remember our astral. road trips all night .
However, Samael Aun Weor, another renowned occultist of the 20th century, ensures that developing this innate skill, *one could travel to other dimensions with the soul, investigate the mysteries of life and death, among other wonders*. Examine everything you want to know, because the * Astral World * is something like a super mega internet, where all the information you want is.
Several authors have mentioned that certain government security agencies, for decades, *training specialized soldiers in remote vision*, even if, for example, concentrating their mind *they can see in the eye of their thought, bases, meetings, strategic points and whatever*, of the enemy or of any individual on *Earth*.
Science, in turn, advances in the research and experiments of all of this and proves more every day that *”the human mind is an unknown and powerful universe”*.
Author Unknown