The Healing Bath
Notes on the Human Subtle Bodies with Milli D Austin

Using Essential oils in the bath creates an ever-expanding space for healing in our spiritual practice.
Thru cleansing the energetic field, and healing the Aura.
Skin eruptions can signify emotional release.
Unlike traditional medicine, essential oils and bath healing treat underlying health issues, that are often over looked by western doctors.
Many symptoms occur thru spiritual and emotional sickness.
The spirit and the soul are central to true full body healing.
To fully heal the body, we must delve deeper into unseen realms to transcend to higher frequencies and calmer states.

Most of us do not realise how much tension we carry around with us from day to day.
It is not until we allow the body to fully submerge into relaxation that we can begin to heal these subtle bodies.
Continual healing practices, such as yoga, meditation, a healthy diet, and exercise, will help purge the body of toxins and bring various pains to the surface for healing. Many people walk around their daily life with no idea how much negativity they are holding in the body on an energetic level.

There are many techniques for purifying the body of mental and emotional weight. Using many methods is the best way to create space for the spirits journey to unfold. Healing the energetic body will look different for each soul. Things like Reiki, breath work, acupuncture, herbs, and craniosacral therapy are all wonderful tools for multidimensional beings.

“Essential Oil Therapy interacts with other therapies in the most harmonious, and effective way. Essential oils clear, cleanse and heal damaged auras, and strengthen subtle bodies, and infuse light.”

Essential Oil Therapy is not to be confused with aromatherapy ( a very western approach)
Essential oil therapy creates a story about the person with the oils, as if the person where the landscape the oils where the living parts of its ecosystem.
To understand this concept of healing thru subtle bodies, we must begin to understand the underlying energetic auric fields of ourselves.

These interruptions if left untouched can manifest in the body as mental illness, headaches, depression, PMS, food intolerance, weakness, stiffness of joints, confusion.. the list goes on.

It is also important to note the difference between herbal healing and Essential Oil healing. They are not the same.
Healing with herbs is much slower, everyday practice, that can be used to treat a plethora of physical symptoms.
Essential Oil therapy saturates the system on a much deeper level, pulling stored energy from deep inside the memories of our bodies.
Often pulling traumas from past lives, EO therapy helps us to become conscious of the course of “old charged emotional processes”

The first and most relevant to EO Therapy are the Etheric, and Astral bodies or sheaths.
The emotional body seems to respond the most quickly and easily to bath therapy.

The Etheric body
This is home to our chakras, meridians, and general layout of the bodies energy filed.
There are 7 main chakras and 25 other secondary chakras. The meridians are lines that fun they the energy currents of the body.
In some places several medians cross and it’s called a Nadis ( also considered minor chakras)
Most commonly The etheric body extends two to four inches beyond the physical body, but can be larger with a person of larger physical stamina.

The astral body
An expression of the lower feeling nature , this is the body that is often interpreted by clairvoyants in Varying Colours.
This body effects how we perceive the world around us, our clarity and senses.

Aura health
Ideally an astral body of a centred individual would be calm, clear & compassionate .
Spiritual people, with a relatively normal happy life, often carry Colourful, swirling auras.
For a person of great spiritual stature who has been thru a difficult life, has been thru many and built strength and insight, the colours in the aura can be very beautiful to behold .
For the aura is a culmination of all that we have experienced, and learned, form our personal journey.
A clean vibrant aura denotes much purification, sometimes lifetimes .
Purging the self of inner demons to arrive at clarity of mind and elevated consciousness.

Many people suffer fro past life trauma, be it from war, concentration camps, abuse, betrayal , we must purify the emotional body to free ourselves .
These “ black clouds “ in the aura can manifest as eating disorders, mental illness, and heavy emotions like fear, anxiety, guilt, and anger to name a few.
These black clouds are pockets of negativity held in the auric field that can be healed thru bath therapy.
When a person is submerged in a tub of water with only the EO, it creates a space for inner self connection .
During an EO bath series an auric cleanse starts  when the focus turns inward and a journey back to the soul can begin.

“ to face oneself alone can be to face one’s innermost fears. This is an incredibly self empowering act of courage. The power of fear that keeps us frozen in place is that which we should be most concerned.”

The Mental Body
This auric field encompasses the etheric and astral bodies, “ the development, refinement, and integration of these three is the immediate goal”
Moving outwards from the body each field is more powerful then the next, and effects the healing and integration of those before it.

“ the integration of a refined emotional body and a developed and tempered mental body result in a balance, intelligence, compassion, and an ability to express the true meaning of love. “

Integration of Auric fields
When mental energies begin to play on emotional matters , emotions are no longer suppressed. The person is in a place where the goal is less about personal gratification, and more interested in bigger issues,
Spiritual advancement can begin when the mind, and mental energetic rays begin to evaporate emotional mist.  Practicing becoming the observer leads to expansion , emotions are allowed to be felt.

The light
With EO bath therapy and massage , the integration process is accelerated.
The light within us can begin to grow after the negative pockets of murky energy are decentralise and cleared thru EO sacred substances.
Getting into a bath of EO is like getting into a bath of liquid light. Infusing the entire body and energetic fields in this sacred light to put us in touch with our inner most being.

The dark
There are many ways an aura can become damaged, thru trauma, drugs, ect. And since the aura does not just heal on its own, upon entering a bath of EO we are sealing these wholes.
We are protecting  ourselves from foreign entities entering in to our energetic field.
These dark entities could be in bars, clubs, scenes of disaster, AA meetings, and homes for the mentally unstable.
Because EO each have there own energetic field, and the frequency is so high ( light filled), these dark energies can not stay. Not only does our energetic body begin to heal immediately, the energetic fields of said “entities can receive some clearing.

“It is advised to call upon angels, loved ones and personal deities that you have connection with upon beginning ritual EO bath therapy. Acknowledge them, ask for assistance in healing, ask that they be present for your dark entities passing over into the light, this will protect you and them. Speak mentally or verbally , and allow no space for judgment”.

The chakra system
The state of our chakras reflects the condition of our energetic field. Monitoring our chakras can help us monitor the state of our subtle bodies.and identify Blockages and unresolved negative energy.
When there is a whole in the aura it begins at a chakra point and penetrates all of the subtle bodies and extends 5-6 ft from the physical body from the front and back.
Chakras are spinning wheels of light that open and close like flower blossoms. There are seven major chakras that flow along the spine. They can flow and spin at different frequencies and speeds, as they gain momentum they begin to open and the light shines brighter indicating progress in consciousness.

There are 7 major chakras & 25 secondary chakras on the body
The most common chakras are

Crown this life force energy flows up and down the spine, connects us to the divine realm

Ajna connects us to intuition, and telepathic abilities, and the soul

Throat the higher creative centre

Heart tis fold chakra, the most important chakra , connection to others,earth , love and will

Solar Plexus lower emotions , connected to the emotional body and astral plane

Sacral physical emotions , Yang / thought energy , sexual energy, where dark entities can enter.

Root closely linked with the crown chakra, Lower octave of crown , physical bodies vitality . 

Real time chakra colours according to milli & the auric fields



Throat =Yellow

Heart =Blue

Solar plexus = Violet


Root =Indigo

The colours commonly associated with the chakra system are in rainbow order, these colours are used at times for healing auras, but not actually the original auric light colour.