Earth Kitchen

" Let food be thy medicine, and your medicine be thy food. "

Allow your senses to come alive
journey the flavours and scents of clean home grown,
brewed, baked, sprouted, fermented & infused Earthly delights.
Stimulate and awaken your subtle body
open yourself to a world of spices, roots, flowers and essences
Allow them to penetrate, working in ways you may never have experienced

Gut health pic

Digestive Health

A variety of every day products to help aid digestion, bring about ritual to your daily gut care and reconnect to your your inner and outer worlds.

Dorrigo Handmade Markets July

We will be preparing our seasonal brews and skin care offerings for this coming Dorrigo Handmade Markets, Saturday 13th July.
We hope to see you there!

Kitchen Dispensary

 Discover our home brewed slow infused herbal elixirs, tinctures, syrups, infusions and the infamous seasonal
Plague Remedy.

The Magic of Red Clover Medicine

It's not just the rare and hard to find that has value.  The very accessibility of some resources - think sunlight and air - makes them miracles in and of themselves. Red clover, one such wonder, is thought of as a common weed, when it should be herald as a Queen. On...