Health and vitality is our birthright and at Apothecary Hermetica our mission is to enable every person to have access to the benefits of hemp, to empower them on the path of healing.

Through the use of plant medicine we can maintain a healthy mind, body and spirit. We are in the ‘wellness business’ not the ‘illness business, as is driven by the pharmaceutical industry. We trust in Mother Earth and her abundant gifts of healing to medicinally treat the individual with holistic practises.

Our apothecary uses organic ingredients from local farms where possible, free from chemicals and pesticides. In harmony with the moon calendar, we harvest, chop flower heads, grind powders, dehydrate herbs, blend, mix and concoct infusions to create potent batches and infusions of the highest quality.

Currently in this country, anything outside the legal market is grown from industrially local farmed Hemp which, at best, would never contain anything stronger than 8% CBD. It is a lower grade flower, which lends best used as a ‘wellbeing’ products and infused into our kitchen and skincare range.  We know the need for high potency CBD extract and use ENDOCA’s medical grade extract to product our own custom blended range so we an service the current market where the pharmicutical products cut us short. They are infused with ISOLATED compounds (see FAQ) which lessen the quality and effectiveness of CBD entirely, in fact it’s counter intuitive as this compound will only come into it’s full potential when combined with all the other spectrum of compounds available in the plant. This is what we call the enterouge effect (see FAQ) and is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY if the plant is to reach it’s full medical potent healing to take effect.  We are committed to providing this highest quality medical grade hemp extract available through our product range at an affordable cost. For clients seeking alternatives to ineffective pharmaceuticals with undesirable side effects and dependancy, our hemp products offer an alternative solution.

Our founder, Rosa, knows firsthand the powerful healing effects of hemp. Her transformational journey from self-healing disease and recreating her life after a miscarriage, set Apothecary Hermetica in motion many moons ago.

~ Rosa’s Personal Story ~

Nature and the realm of the senses has always romanced and enhanced her life.
She is an advocate for natural health and the symbiotic connection we share with our environment. Her own health journey is testament to her belief in our innate ability to heal ourselves and lead a life of harmony and wellness with Mother Nature by our side.

Her own relationship with hemp was born out of major life challenges and transitions – first, her healing from auto-immune disease, which took her on a profound journey discovering Chinese Medicine, plant based medicines, the healing power of ritual and medicinal hemp products. Followed by enduring a miscarriage, an experience that was a catalyst for Rosa’s next stage of personal and spiritual growth as a mother and a woman.

At the time, she lived with my family at the foot of a world heritage rainforest in a rustic house at the mercy of the seasons. Her partner and her, cranked the fire all winter and enjoyed the fruits of our garden by the creek in the summer.

Two large maple trees featured on the property. Her miscarriage occurred at the turn of the Winter Solstice and during this dark phase of year the maple trees brought so much light into their home with bright orange and yellow leaves.

Their children named the baby Maple, and what came forth after its passing was a creative outpour she describe as a complete transformative experience of my self, her life and purpose.

She turned to what she knew of ritual and ceremony to process her grief. During that time, Rosa drew from nature for healing remedies to fortify her physical health. The entire Maple Moon’s recipes were channeled during that time, and continued her upon her own personal awakening that prioritised the wellbeing of the holy trinity of mind, body and spirit.

Rosa had spent a life time suffering from a long term illness, Ulcerative Colitis. This story is the reason she is where she is today, for she would not be here were it for the knowledge and experience gifted to her through numerous healers and medicine men women. She knew from her recovery from auto-immune disease that the way forward was not to invest in traditional, pharmaceutical products but to further investigate the benefits of hemp.

I spent 3 years mixing, blending, brewing and perfecting 40 varieties of hemp product lines. It was a journey of the senses which transported me from the beauty of nature and its healing properties through the dark nights of the soul that accompany true healing.

My obsession with colour, scent, flowers and plant life, essential oils, rocks and crystals, all the elements of nature, music, cooking, infusing, brewing, steeping, smelling, tasting, cleansing my palate and entire body; so many sensations! They led me home to the hearth of good health and a hemp product range I am now passionate about sharing with the world.

My trust in esoteric knowledge and my own dedication to following my intuition, my truth and my deep connection with Mother Earth, lead me to where I am today at the helm of Apothecary Hermetica with my two Apothecary lines Earth Kitchen range founded on Chinese Earth Elemental healing and my own digestive health transformational knowledge, and Maple Moon healing range for woman, mother and baby, both so very dear to my heart.

I spent 4 years in product research with one of Australia’s largest organic hemp companies processing 100 hectares of outdoor, organically grown hemp into the purest CO2 extract (of which 40 products were created by myself and trialled with integrative doctors, practitioners and therapists) I am committed to enabling people access to the highest quality medicinal hemp product range.

It is my honour to share the medicinal magic of hemp with you today, made with love, dedication, respect and refinement at Apothecary Hermetica.