Home Grown Organic Herbs, Flowers & Food

Our foundations are Nourishment of our Soil, Food and Body …

Deep Ritual Connection

Centring around intentional atunement to Source

Who Is Merkabah?
We are De*Lighted to meet you,

lets become acquainted… 

༺ Louisa 

Louisa has been trading under the name of Merkabah for the last 15 years, she is head dispenser and the creator of all our blends and formulas.  She has spent the last decade of her life dedicated to deepening her understanding through the cultivation of her own infusions processes for gut health, working in research and product development with medicinal cannabis and extract processes, and applying her extensive health experience with healing into our apothecary infusions. From her own personal debilitating digestive and women’s health experiences, she has immersed herself in discovering the relationship between our digestive and soil health with the assimilation of nutrients to achieve a balanced homeostasis from many layers and angles. Specifically through Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Earth Element and connection to Woman’s essence of life creation, her own personal experience is the inspiration and foundation for all of her formulas.

༺ Medicinal

Infusion Magic 

Infusing the ancient wisdom of roots, herbs, flowers and spices into oils, vinegars, broth, tea, and honey is the root of our culinary and medicinal magic. This method, using slow brewing Fire with carefully cultivated time and temperature, holds the key to deep nourishment and gentle assimilation. Allowing you to digest life and all the goodness it has to offer us all. The Plant Kingdom has communicated much of her wisdom into our infusions.

Dive deeper into our Process…

Earth Kitchen Story

Earth Kitchen was born through the experience and life long challenge Louisa experienced with digestive & nervous system breakdown, which became her gate way to access and attune to the ancient wisdom of TCM, elemental and seasonal earth, soil and gut health. This was through a painful, yet beautiful and enlightening story of healing, warming the digestive fire and tapping into the simple yet profound medicine available to us everywhere. Our Earth Kitchen product range is a reflection of the regenerative powers of Mother nature, her soil, food and generous giving of health.

Apothecary Protocol

Many of our apothecary products are small batch and contain base ingredients which require time to infuse and prepare. Recipes will be both consistent and vary depending on seasonal availability and supply.  We are forever tweaking, enhancing and playing with new and inspired ways to create, therefore our range is ever evolving. Make sure to become a member if you would like to be informed of brews , infusions and batches currently underway to put your name down for pre ordering.


Click on each image for a deeper dive …

Mother Moon

The power influence our Moon has over our emotional body, feminine cycles and manifestation through ritual of her honour, using her wisdom to guide and deepen our understanding of our feminine aspects.

Warm Happy Hearth

The Hearth is the Heart of the Home and holds the Sacred Flame.
Deep soulful nourishment begins when our fire is stoked & food is prepared with loving intention.

Pure Gold Frequency

A gold nugget was discovered in Broome WA and bottled as an essence more than 40 years ago. We use this frequency in our Golden Yoni Balm and Hermetic Honey.
It is the highest frequency of all elements with extraordinary potency,
radiating pure light of the sun.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Our Earth Kitchen is founded in roots of the 5 Elements, specifically focusing on the Earth and our connection between inner and outer worlds through our food and digestion.

Being of Service

To be devoted to working towards something greater than ourselves.  To remain deeply humble despite our many skills and abilities. To create a safe space for lost souls that seek our support, service, safety and sustenance.

The Power of Ritual

Through deepening our intention towards ordinary daily practices, energetic fields are amplified, radiating soulful intention which nurture connection, creativity and wellbeing. Doing the smallest actions with the Greatest Love.

Essential Oil Therapy

This love not only flows through us, but through nature as well. Essential oils and flower essences are here to assist us in living this reality. Heal the many ethereal layers of our body, emotional, mental & physical needs through deep olfactory system with Flower Oils & Essences    

Emotional Processing

The foundations of deep healing require radical reflection, safe sharing and self honesty. Shifting belief patterns, nervous system regulation and transform the emotional body with somatic therapy and neurological reprogramming.
Tap to learn more..

Mantak Chia

Mantak Chia

Founder of the Universal Healing Tao System, which is rooted in the ancient healing traditions of Taoism. Mantak has mastered transformation of Inner & Sexual Alchemy, QiGong, 5 Element Fusion, Cosmic Nutrition and is author to dozens of books to help you assist in life long Vitality. Tap to learn more..

The Power of Prayer

Invocation of Communion with Source is present throughout every step of our journey from planting seed to dispensing.

Energetic Hygiene

Hydration * Barefoot * Chemical Free
Routine * Ocean * Movement
Smudge * Pray * Meditate
Breathe * Dance * Sing * Give

The 6th Dimension

Click to discover Sacred Geometry. It is the perfect mathematical expression of the manifestation of life’s expression within the Universe. Enjoy the deep dive..

Communion with the Plant Realm

Dance with us through this thoughtful piece of writing centred around the subtle layers of communication with Nature around us. Tap to learn more..

A Course In Miracles

This book changes lives. How ever you choose to walk through this world, to be aware of the dualism of our inner voice be it Ego or Love’s Wisdom, is Vital to connection with All that Is.

Localise The Planet

We support the process of building economic structures that strengthen community cohesion, support greater human health and reduce pollution by allowing community goods & services to be produced locally whenever possible.
Tap to learn more..

Hermetic Principles

The seven principles are the foundation of Hermeticism, a branch of spiritual philosophy dating back as early as the first century A.D. Discover more about the interweaving of these concepts and how they shape our lives..

Food & Farm Health

Further reading and networks to connect you to people and organisations leading movement in the regenerative farming industry, bringing awareness of the interconnectedness of our earth, food and human health.

Woman's Health

Further reading and networks to connect you to people and organisations within women’s health, to assist you in your own personal journey of inner discovery, healing, empowerment and community.


Maple Moon Skincare

Our sacred offering of exquisitely blended and uniquely crafted products to support women through all stages of life.  Consciously curated in the apothecary with intention and love, our elegantly packaged products are made with the highest quality natural vibrational ingredients.




Earth Kitchen Edibles

~ Currently Brewing ~

Earth Element Traditional Chinese medicine based products centred around our digestive health, nutritional assimilation, the importance of quality soil health and food nutrition, and supporting our natural food systems through cultivating your own garden and sourcing from local organic farmers.



Welcome to our Home Red Clover Farm...